Continental Capital Corporation is a Kansas City based investment company.
Continental Capital Corporation is a Kansas City based investment company.
Need to upsize/downsize but having trouble selling your home? Your home needs repairs but can’t afford to fix them before you can sell? Don’t want to pay the 10-15% extra in realtor fees, selling costs, inspections, and closing costs to move? Need some cash out of your current home and still need a new house?
We own a large number of homes in the KC metro area including homes in Belton, Grandview, Raymore, Raytown, Gladstone, Kansas City, etc….. From 2 bedrooms to 5 bedrooms and from $60k to $600k. Perhaps we can help. We have sold hundreds of homes, done lease options, rent-to-own structures, home exchanges, and equity swaps. We’ve even bartered labor for equity in new homes.
If you have a good history, a reasonable income and a proven ability to make good financial and property care decisions but are looking for a new home but haven’t found a way to come up with funds to make the move we may have a solution.
Give us a call at 816-322-6030 or text us at 816-892-0635, and tell us what you need or what you need to accomplish and we’ll see if we can help.

- Acquires, owns, and leases homes in the metro KC market
- Sells select investment properties / homes to investor/buyer seeking passive incomes
- Sells seasoned performing secured mortgages to investors seeking double-digit income in a single-digit world
- Purchases entire portfolios of properties and mortgages from financial institutions and other motivated sellers
- Provides direct seller financing to many buyers of its homes
- Sells real estate portfolios of already leased properties to investors
- Provides passive real estate investments to investors seeking “mailbox” income
- Provides specialized hands-on real estate investment education and training to individuals seeking to learn wealth creation through successful investing